United states apostille

providing apostille services for all 50 states


Apostille & Legalization

apostille service for hauge and non hague countries


Documents Services

Legalization authentication and attestation for all tybs og documents

Kurdistan Embassy Legalization

Kurdistan embassy provide is a Washington-based authentication and legalization service provider with a new branch located in Los Angeles, California. Founded on 1995, and registered under the federal law, US apostille is established to assist U.S. corporations and individuals obtaining the required certification for documents destined for use abroad.

Financial Analyst
Business Suports
Coustmer services

Apostille And Legalization Services

Notary is a totally different term than apostille, as we discussed above, apostille seal is made to facilitate the use of your documentations in other countries. Notarization from the State Notary Public is required in order to use the documents in the United States of America. Therefore, we can say that apostille seal gives you international services overseas, on the other hand, Notarization gives you local authority to use the documents within the U.S.A. To Apostille most documents, Notary signature, and seal is required.

Can you use the apostille seal in a country that isn’t in the convention?

No. But you of course you can use the document abroad in a non-participating country if fulfilled the required actions by the embassy. Usually, each embassy has its own terms and conditions. You can have a glimpse of apostille convention participating countries here. (LINK)

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